• Videography

    58Views media videography services include:

    - Sports coverage (Youth, high school, College, Professional level and recreational)

    - Corporate Events

    - lifestyle shoots

    - Promotional/Advertisement

    - Long/short form cinematography

    - General coverage (May vary)

    (Contact for hourly rate pricing, separate from editing)

  • Photography

    58Views media photography services include:

    - Sports coverage (Youth, high school, College, Professional level and recreational)

    - Corporate Events

    - Lifestyle shoots

    - Promotional/Advertisement

    - General coverage (May vary)

    (Contact for hourly rate and editing packages)

  • Editing

    58views media editing services include:

    Video (Post-Production)

    - Sports highlights (Social media reels, basic highlights, recruitment film, coaches film, etc.)

    - short form storytelling

    - promotional advertisement

    - Lifestyle videos (fashion based)

    Photo (Post-Production)

    - Treated photos to complete full coverage service

    (Contact for hourly rate on all editing, separate from production price)